Saturday, January 30, 2010


I feel that it is not Gallien's responsibility to call the police for Chris' stupid behavior. He repeatedly offered help to Mccandless but he refused it. Being that Gallien didn't thoroughly know Chris, he must not have felt the importance of getting the police involved. Picking up a hitchhiker is already dangerous to begin with. Maybe next time he won't do that.


  1. I feel the exact same way. How was Gallien to know that Chris would end up the way he did? He gave him all of the advice and warning that he could but there was really no convincing Chris of not going out into the wilderness.

  2. I'm with you in that one. Gallien had already gone out of his way just picking Chris up. There is no reason he should have felt like he needed to get the police involved. My guess is that if he ever came across another hitchhiker hell bent on going into the wild he might do a little more to stop him though. Knowing you were the last person to see someone alive has to be a tough feeling.

  3. I agree that it wasn't his responsibility. And Alaina has a good point about how was he supposed to know what would happen, but it could also go the other way. Like if there was a possibility he wouldn't be okay you'd think that would trigger him to call the police. But I'm just making things complicated. In reality Gallien probably didn't think twice about the situation.
